Health and Medical Information for Colombia
Travel tips for your trip to Colombia Hotel Maps Famous Places in Colombia helps you to make your trip to Colombia in the holiday a Splendid One
Health facilities in the main cities are good. In rural areas, services can be very limited. Visitors travelling to jungle areas are advised to carry first aid kits. Travellers are strongly advised to take out full medical insurance.
Food and drink:
All water should be regarded as being potentially contaminated outside major cities. Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or making ice should have first been boiled or otherwise sterilised. Milk may be unpasteurised in places and should be boiled. Only eat well cooked meat and fish. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled.
Other risks:
Vaccinations against tuberculosis and hepatitis B are sometimes recommended. Hepatitis C occurs. Outbreaks of dengue fever sometimes occur.